Useful Arch Packages

Posted on Dec 28, 2023
tl;dr: I can't remember the names of things.

A collection of Arch Linux packages and utilities that I will remember needing their functionality but not their name. This list is extremely outdated at all times and does not properly reflect what I normally use.

  • Ranger: vim-inspired file manager
  • Flameshot: screenshot utility
  • i3-input
  • lxappearance: change mouse cursor, colors, etc
  • morc-menu: categorized application launcher
  • Joplin: note-taking
  • firefox-developer-edition
  • convert: ImageMagick
  • pdftk: PDF Toolkit
  • powerlevel10k: easy and super customizable oh_my_zsh terminal prompt
  • scp: secure copy, super sexy
  • GNU autotools: helps make source code packages portable
  • fuser: see what processes are using certain ports
  • easystroke: mouse gestures in linux
  • dig: DNS checker
  • s-tui: terminal resource monitor
  • xprop: see information about X windows
  • bmenu: cli menu to launch different things, a “toolbox”. on manjaro-i3
  • autorandr: automatically configuring monitors when they are plugged in
  • logrotate
  • netstat: see ips and ports in use. part of net-tools
  • trimage: png image compressor for web
  • LightDM: login manager for Manjaro-i3
  • xcompmgr: composite manager
  • rofi: fancy dmenu
  • powertop and tlp: power calibration and management
  • xfontsel: print font information for configs
  • powerkit: power settings on Balena, screen timeout/lock
  • avahi + nss-mdns: special networking for pi zero via usb
  • sox: play audio files from terminal
  • noto-fonts-emoji: adds more unicode characters and emoji
  • pyenv: python version and virtualenvironment management
  • ly display manager (login screen)
  • nerd-fonts-terminus:
  • xclip: cli interface to clipboard
  • dmidecode: see detailed hardware information
  • acpi: see detailed battery info
  • xset: change keypress repeat and delay
  • blugon: blue light filter written in python
  • speedcrunch: powerful calculator
  • progress: displays the progress of data commands like cp and mv
  • kernel-modules-hook: remembers your kernel modules, so no more restarting after certain packages (like podman!)
  • libfido2: authenticator key support (solokey)
  • net-tools: self-explanator, almost always needed eventually
  • polkit-gnome: proper permissions for nm-applet
  • bluez-utils: provides bluetoothctl
  • pdftk: adding pages to PDFs (actually hot garbage)
  • gnome terminal themes
  • detox: renames files from other operating systems to not be obnoxious
  • solaar: Logitech keyboard, mouse, and peripheral configuration software for Linux
  • BRISS: split pdf
  • pdfmixtool: generate pdf booklet
  • toilet & figlet: ascii letter generation
  • socat
  • mkinitcpio-firmware - suppress missing firmware messages
  • mpd - music player daemon, cool ncurses interface
  • croc - extremely convenient way to securely transfer files
  • fd - a much more convenient implementation of find written in Rust
  • nvtop - htop for GPUs